After receiving a Diplôme d’ Ingénieur from CentraleSupélec (2005) and a Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Georgia Tech (2010), I joined Intel in November 2010 as a Sr. Video Architect, developing state-of-the-art video processing algorithms for Intel Media (media SoC) and VPG (integrated graphics processor). I am currently a Research Scientist in artificial intelligence and machine learning with Intel Labs.

My research interests lie predominantly in the areas of computer vision, signal processing, and machine learning. Most recently, I have been working on uncertainty estimation for deep neural networks, with applications to out-of-distribution and anomaly detection, multimodal fusion, and active learning. I am also interested in multimodal activity recognition for smart manufacturing. For more details on my research, see the Projects and Publications pages, and my Google Scholar page.

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